MVZ für Gefäßmedizin und Venenchirurgie | Dr. med. Anesa Lihovac
Dr. med. Mete Camci: Healthy blood vessels for a healthy life! We offer the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the areas of the arterial, venous and lymphatic vascular disease at the highest level.
Dr. Camci, Phlebologie, Gefässliga, Gefäßliga, Laserbehandlungen, Krampfaderbehandlung, Thrombosemanagement, Infusionstherapie, Labordiagnostik, Köln, Schaumverödung, Mikro-Sklerotherapie, Minimalinvasive Varizenchirurgie, Offenes Bein, Ulcus cruris, Hernien, Ausschälplastiken, Ballondilatation, Arterienchirurgie
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Dr. med. Anesa Lihovac

Anesa LihovacAreas of Specialization

  • Vascular Diagnostics
  • Thrombosis Care
  • Wound Care
  • Ablation Therapy

Professional Development

  • 1998–2005 Study of Human Medicine at the University of Cologne
  • 2005 Medical License – Physician
  • 6/2005–4/2008 Assistant Physician/Intern – postgraduate training in general medicine and phlebology at the Center for Vascular Medicine in Cologne/Media Park Clinic Practice Dr. Camci
  • 04/2008–7/2014 Assistant Physician/Intern in postgraduate training for Specialist in Internal Medicine and Angiology under the direction of Medical Superintendent Prof. Dr. W. Krone / Medical Superintendent PD Dr. A. Meissner under the direction of Senior Physician/Attending Dr. Horz in the Städtischen Kliniken Köln/Krankenhaus Merheim, Medizinische Klinik II, Klinik für Innere Medizin, Kardiologie, Angiologie und Diabetologie (City Clinics Cologne/Merheim Hospital, Medical Clinic II, Clinic for Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Angiology, and Diabetology)
  • 7/2014 Specialist in Internal Medicine and Angiology
  • 7–12/2014 Specialist at the Städtischen Klinik/Krankenhaus Merheim, Medizinische Klinik II, Klinik für Innere Medizin, Kardiologie, Angiologie und Diabetologie (City Clinics Cologne/Merheim Hospital, Medical Clinic II, Clinic for Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Angiology, and Diabetology)
  • since 1/2015 Specialist at the Center for Vascular Medicine and Venous Surgery, Cologne
  • 2016  Graduation
    2016  Additional description Phlebology


  • Participation in conferences for specialty associations in internal medicine, angiology, phlebology and vascular surgery
  • Member of the following specialty associations: DGIM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin – German Association for Internal Medicine), BDI (Berufsverband Deutscher Internisten e.V. – Professional Association of German Internists) , DEGUM Arbeitskreis vaskulärer Ultraschall – Committee for Vascular Ultrasound, DGA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angiologie – German Angiology Association), Deutsche Gefäßliga e.V. – German Vascular League, DGP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie – German Phlebology Association), Berufsverband der Phlebologen (BVP) – Professional Association of Phlebologists
  • Foreign Languages: English, Bosnian